Priya Prakash Varrier, the wink girl whose video went viral instantly on the Internet, took to the Instagram to share her pictures from the latest photoshoot. In the pictures, she is wearing a red shimmery princess gown teamed-up with a red blazer. Her looks have been accessorised with big hair bun, kohled eyes, studded jewellery and metallic makeup. The Oru Adaar Love fame looks breathtaking as she poses for the camera. Sharing the picture on the photo-sharing app, she wrote, “More from the series.” Previously, she has shared the sneak-peek from her photoshoot in which her Kohled eyes, straight hairs and perfect…
Author: Loknath Das
Loon, the former Google X project and now independent Alphabet company, has developed an antenna system that could create a far greater ground coverage than previously possible. According to Loon each of its balloons, from 20km above earth, can cover an area of about 80km in diameter and serve about 1,000 users on the ground using an LTE connection. However, Loon balloons need a backhaul connection from an access point on the ground and without that connection the balloons can’t provide connectivity to users on the ground. But on Tuesday the company revealed it had sent data across a network…
Move over #InMyFeelings also know as #KiKi challenge — social media is now being taken over by the invisible challenge, where people are making their siblings and friends disappear. Yes, you heard that right. The premise of the challenge is simple; gather a group of friends and do the invisible man magic trick by convincing one of your friends that they are actually invisible. The trick is that you and your friends need to act as if your friend is actually invisible. The challenge is inspired from an episode of American magician and comedian Justin Willman’ s Netflix show —…
Suffolk Trading Standards issued a warning to people in the county to be alert to the scam. “We’ve had reports of Suffolk residents receiving calls from scammers claiming to be from BT, threatening that resident’s internet will be cut off,” a spokesman said. “If you receive such a call, hang up, wait 10 minutes and call using a number you have located yourself via a recent bill or statement.” Has this happened to you or someone you know? Email our newsroom to let us know. source:-.eadt.c
Twitter is looking to redesign its Web interface, and has started testing out the new design with a few users. The new interface brings the ability to bookmark pages, a new data-saver mode has been added, and a night mode toggle has been introduced as well. There is a new compose window, new options for embed tweet, and the company is even giving these selected users the option to switch back to legacy Twitter if they wish to. Furthermore, the company has also updated the iOS app and it brings support for audio-only live broadcasts. Starting with the desktop redesign, Twitter…
As countries over the world including India face elections amid the spread of fake news and political interference on social media platforms, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a post on Friday that the company had started sanitising itself in 2017 and “even this work will extend through 2019, I do expect us to end this year on a significantly better trajectory than when we entered it”. “My personal challenge for 2018 has been to fix the most important issues facing Facebook — whether that’s defending against election interference by nation states, protecting our community from abuse and harm, or making sure people have control of…
In a bid to raise awareness on suicide prevention in India, Twitter India on Monday announced a partnership with non-profit organisation White Swan Foundation in which, the company will provide them with #adsforgood grants to help them reach more people. Twitter, in partnership with the International Association for Suicide Prevention, also launched a special emoji for the World Suicide Prevention Day, that was observed on September 10, globally including in India. “Through our partnerships with International Association for Suicide Prevention and White Swan Foundation, we aim to create greater awareness around suicide and suicide prevention, connect with people and address mental health…
The Nasdaq Composite ran 1.2% lower on Wednesday despite the move slightly higher that equity markets witnessed for the blue chip Dow Jones Industrial Average. What gives? Rotation. Something along the lines of a flash rotation out of Technology, and into industry groups that usually run into trouble over trade took place yesterday. Along with traditionally defensive sectors such as Utilities, Staples and Telecom, investment dollars also flew into Industrials and Materials. The catalyst seemed to be the appearances made before the U.S. Congress by Twitter (TWTR – Get Report) CEO Jack Dorsey, and Facebook (FB – Get Report) CEO Sheryl Sandberg. Alphabet (GOOGL – Get Report) did…
Early in the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee’s hearing on Wednesday about foreign meddling on digital platforms, Senator Richard Burr asked executives from Facebook and Twitter to define the phrase “social media.” It was a softball question that allowed the corporate pariahs of our era to recall the simpler times when they effectively sold themselves as forces for good. “Social media enables you to share what you want to share when you want to share it without asking permission from anyone,” Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg said. “We believe that the people use Twitter as they would a public square,…
Finnish education is simple. No league tables, no uniforms and some of the shortest school days in Europe. Yet the country has a claim to A*s across the board, consistently topping world rankings. In the UK, standardised tests are today’s hot topic – an increasingly controversial pillar of all our school years. In Finland, such a thing is almost non-existent, with the only state-regulated assessment coming in the form of one exam which can determine a pupil’s entry to university. Otherwise, testing is down to a teacher’s prerogative. When data is collected by the regulating body, it’s with improving the service…