The creators of a new, grassroots social media app want to remind users that the current big name platforms such as Facebook and Twitter often push less than 5% of their chosen content to friends and followers. That means, on the other end of the equation, that user is only seeing a fraction of the posts from the people and pages they follow.
To return social media to a concept of friends, families and followers, the new app AllSocial is a platform promising to operate without algorithms limiting the reach of content. The service will not filter or highlight content based on any particular promotional deal, ideology or interest.

New social media platform AllSocial looks to return to the original principles of predecessors like … [+]
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The AllSocial designers vow to build a social media platform to provide the sort of unlimited connectivity with others that more established services offered when they began — before such entities became international companies with massive global interests. With AllSocial, users are promised 100% reach on every post with an all-important commitment to never sell user data.
Accessible online via the web or with free app available in the Google Play Store and the iOS App Store, AllSocial also looks to angle its content more regionally. Users access geographically sorted live news feeds to see current information with more of a direct impact on their lives. An AllSocial personal profile showcases the user’s life via a collection of categorical pages covering topics including Hope and Help, Diet and Fitness, Home, Garden, Lifestyle, Entertainment, Sports, Food, Pets, Crafts and others.
Obviously, any social media platform launched in the spring of 2020 must acknowledge the all-prevailing presence of the Coronavirus. To offer users resources to confront the COVID-19 reality and to endure lockdown, AllSocial and its community created a destination on its platform with news updates, upbeat stories, home workout ideas, home project tips and crafting inspirations.
In addition, when users create a profile on AllSocial and follow one of its COVID-centric Hope and Help pages, a donation will be made on each user’s behalf to various charities providing food based assistance during the Coronavirus crisis.
Currently, more than 1.6 million users joined AllSocial, and the promise stands that not a single one of them will encounter any sort of corporate formula determining what they or their followers see.
source: forbes