Believe it or not, it’s almost time to file your taxes! This year’s filing deadline is April 15, 2020. While it’s usually not much fun to file taxes, these helpful tips will help you file quickly and accurately.
Get Your Documents Together
In order to file your taxes, you will need certain documents and pieces of information. By locating all of the necessary documentation and writing down the details that will go into your filing, you will save yourself a significant amount of time and stress. If you are employed by a company, you will need a W-2 form. If you are self-employed, you will need a 1099 form and records of all of your expenses.
Consider Hiring a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
If you are self-employed or have multiple sources of income, doing your taxes can be difficult and time-consuming. Bringing a professional on board will save you valuable time and ensure that your tax filing is completely accurate based on federal and state tax codes. The United CPA Association, or UCPAA, can help by connecting you with an accounting professional in your area.
Gathering all of the necessary information and considering the option of bringing a CPA on board are the first steps in preparing to file your taxes. Good luck with the upcoming tax season!