Here’s proof you can now get desktop-class performance in a laptop. This MSI GT72S packs all the power of a desktop GeForce GTX 980 inside. Similar Hardcore Hardware More Hardcore Hardware Hardcore Hardware Intel 750 SSD ushers in NVME and stupid fast performance (2:15) Hardcore Hardware We test a ‘bullet proof’ laptop bag the only way you can: By shooting it(2:03) Hardcore Hardware Alienware Graphics Amplifier: It boosts a laptop with Titan X graphics (2:43) Hardcore Hardware Hardcore Hardware: A GeForce working with a Radeon!? (2:28) Now Playing Hardcore Hardware Hardcore Hardware: Desktop-class GPU in a laptop? Yes! (2:11) Hardcore…
Author: Deep
The London home of one of Britain’s best-known prime ministers is on the market for £30 million ($43.5 million). Located in one of London’s premier neighborhoods, No.73 Chester Square is a Grade II listed, meaning it is judged to be of “special interest” to the nation, six-bedroom town house with a library, media room, bar, 500-bottle wine cellar and gym. Savills The former prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, lived at the white stucco-fronted house from 1991 until her death of a stroke aged 87 in 2013. The original part of the house was built between 1820 and 1840 and is on…
A new kind of Android malware steals online banking credentials and can hold a device’s files hostage in exchange for a ransom, delivering a particularly nasty one-two punch. The malware, called Xbot, is not widespread yet and appears to be just targeting devices in Australia and Russia, wrote researchers with Palo Alto Networks in a blog post on Thursday. But they believe whomever is behind Xbot may try to expand its target base. “As the author appears to be putting considerable time and effort into making this Trojan more complex and harder to detect, it’s likely that its ability to…
A garage in the upmarket London district of Chelsea is set to be auctioned for £180,000 ($261,567) or more, as the escalation in real estate prices in the already expensive city continues. The garage – set to be auctioned later this month – offers secure off street parking and has an internal area of approximately 146 square feet. It is described by estate agents at Savills as “rarely available.” “Garages are an increasingly rare commodity in central London, where even some of the highest value properties lack off street parking,” Chris Coleman-Smith, head of Savills auctions, said in a news…
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It will take homebuyers at least three years to break even on their investment in some of the nation’s largest housing markets, and even longer in others. While homeownership has long been deemed the “American dream,” it may not actually make sense for younger Americans right now, according to researchers at Zillow, a real estate listing and analytics company. Zillow looked at the “break-even” time horizons in markets across the nation. This is how long it would take for the cost of owning to be equal to the cost of renting, when factoring in down payments, interest rates, home appreciation…
OneNote has evolved over the years from a simple note-taking app to a sophisticated collaboration, organization, and project management tool. The recent OneNote 2016 update adds some polish to favorite features and brings some brand-new ones as well. Here are four reasons you should start using it now. 1. You can add audio and video to your notes Though we think of OneNote as a text-driven tool, it also accepts audio and video input. These are great options when you want to capture notes from a lecture or interview without having to constantly divert your attention to your keyboard. Capture…
Mortgage rates fell last week, but so did record amounts of snow across much of the East Coast. That may be why total mortgage application volume dropped 2.6 percent on a seasonally adjusted basis for the week from the previous week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. Mortgage applications to refinance did eke out a 0.3 percent gain from the previous week to their highest level since October, but they are still down 31.5 percent from a year ago, when rates were even lower. Patrick T. Fallon | Bloomberg | Getty Images The reflection of pedestrians walking is seen in…
When it comes to graphics cards, bigger has traditionally meant better: Bigger performance demands bigger graphics chips, which means bigger heat output, which means bigger custom cooling solutions, all of which results in physically larger—sometimes downright hulking—graphics cards. But the times, they are a-changin’. Small form factor PCs have captured the public’s imagination, spurred on by the rise of Steam Machines and AMD’s radical, 4K-capable Radeon Nano. More and more, readers are tweeting at me, asking for mini-ITX graphics cards recommendations. But until now, the only recent mITX graphics cards we had reviewed were the Nano and Asus GTX 970…
Home values are rising and homeowners are taking advantage of that, finally tapping into that equity again in the form of cash-out mortgage refinances. They are doing so, however, by pulling the most conservative amounts in history. Prior to the historic housing crash of the last decade, homeowners used their homes like ATMs, pulling out as much cash as the bank would allow, which at the time was essentially all of it and more. This led to millions of borrowers falling underwater on their home loans as home prices fell, and leading to 7.1 million homes so far ending up…